Saturday, July 12, 2014

Leaving a Legacy

Proverbs 12
3 A man will not be established by wickedness,
But the root of the righteous will not be moved.

I think for most men, legacy is important. We want to do something or leave something that lasts. We want to make an impact that makes the world different, and hopefully better, than it was before we were here.

How do I, as a normal everyday guy, leave a legacy or make a mark on the world? I’m not a rich guy. I’m not a powerful guy. Does that matter? What establishes a man, and allows him to put down lasting roots/foundations?

Over and over we read that it’s not riches that last. Power and influence rarely get passed down from generation to generation. If God’s word is true, and I believe it is, the way you and I can leave a legacy, the only legacy that will count and last in the face of eternity, is a legacy of righteousness. Fame is fleeting; riches disappear in an instant with a swing in the stock market.

But righteousness…the root of the righteous will not be moved. Though a storm comes through and ravages the plant, it’s roots hold firm and ensure new growth. The root of the righteous is held and nourished by God, the very word of God.

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